Our History

It really begins with individual stories and

how God invites us to live WHOLE lives that reflect Him

and HIS-story.

This picture (and the others below and so many throughout our website) are actually taken on biking or hiking trips that we have done in the past year—by our own Coach Tammy Than!

This picture (and the others below and so many throughout our website) are actually taken on biking or hiking trips that we have done in the past year—by our own Coach Tammy Than!

After coaching each other through some major life changes such as weight loss, choosing retirement from life-long careers and even the choice to eat plant-based whole foods, friends and even strangers began asking Tammy and Mary about their success. That success is not something they created but found as they pursued living life fully by making healthy choices. These choices were specifically in the areas of nutrition, fitness and relationships/goals.

With each decision made, they learned and found unexpected joy—and began sharing what they learned with friends and family. Some became clients and those who chose to be “all in” with the WHOLE lifestyle found the greatest success and joy as they became whole persons. Read more below in our philosophy about how to choose wholeness by focusing on body, mind and spirit to pursue your dreams.

Our Philosophy

We love being alive and being around people who bring joy to our lives. As Christians we have seen the peril and disease that plague persons of every race, color and creed. While we have little control over the dangers that are ever present in our world, we can choose to care for the bodies that God gave us and to do it in a way that honors the Lord. The scriptures remind us that our body is a temple and to care for it with great love in a way that would honor God. Jesus, in Luke 10:27, quoted from Deuteronomy 6:5:
”Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind.”

Because we each have a personal relationship with Christ, that influences everything else—and we answer to a higher calling of accountability. Our commitment to God and to our families and our clients is that we will do our very best to take good care of the bodies we have been blessed with through…

the pursuit of learning and continuing to set goals no matter how old we grow

practicing what we preach through prayer, studying the scripture and maintaining a healthy weight

a daily commitment to cardio and regular strength training

participating in group worship and study as members of the body of Christ in the world

consuming nutrition that is unprocessed, plant-based whole foods